Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ways To Earn Money Writing Guides At Ehow.com

Making money online writing articles is one of my favorite freelance writing jobs. With such a variety of freelance opportunities you can eaither:

  • earn money writing articles (you pick the topic and niche)
  • get paid to post on forums and public boards
  • get hired by a blog network and run your own blog for money
  • write articles by request from advertisers

And the list can go on and on, but I think that writing about something you know a lot about is the esiest way to make money. As for me, I prefer writing guides and how-to’s that’s why I want to show you another cool get paid to write website which is called Ehow.com.

How Does Ehow.com Work?

Whenever you have something to show people, you just create your own Ehow and earn money for advertising on your pages. Here anyone can publish their own guides, there’s no need to be an expert of some sort, just little enthusiasm will do.

To start off, you need to become an Ehow member, it’s totally free and takes just several minutes. When you publish your guide, visitors get an opportunity to check it out and leave some feedbacks. Unlike at AssociatedContent.com, here you get paid for traffic generated by your articles. The earning potential is higher if you know some SEO. As far as I understand, the more useful your articles are to the reader, the more you get paid per article.