
Forum Elevation is a paid forum posting service and this means that you can become one of their writers. is looking for new skilled posters to join their community of freelance writers. To enter their team you have to fill in the application and do some sample posts. Price per post is between 0.1$ and 0.15$.

Unlike at, I didn’t get to work with this company, so anything I can is do is guess. You can feel free to check out their website and apply for forum poster or article writer position. As far as I don’t have experience with Forum Elevation I will give you some general tips on making money with forums.

Freelance Forum Posting Tips And Tricks:

  1. Forum owners are paying such companies as to hire and control paid forum posters like you and me. Assuming that they pay a lot of money for your work, they expect superior quality posts. I recommend to read some weblogs or simple Wikipedia information before registering on the forums.
  2. Don’t tell other forum members that you are getting money for posting on forum. They are going the same stuff for free, and it would really piss me off if I was a regular member.
  3. Try to contribute – browse niche blogs and rewrite some posts from blog to the forums. It will make forum owner happy and you’ll get your pay for sure.

Though I haven’t tried earning money with, their website looks pretty good and I think they’ve been in business for over 3 years now. You are totally free to try this program and leave us your feedback.