Everyone of us has a lot of cool pictures in our photo albums, even if we are not professionals. Some people just make photos for fun, memories and some gorgeous views. But if you think you have some cool and unique photos, you can actually make money selling them online. Or maybe you are starter or a professional photographer and you want to make some quick money. That’s where Alamy.com gets handy
Alamy.com has has millions of images from thousands of photographers, picture agencies and national collections where users buy photos and you can join this community for free!
This agency has grown a lot recently and now they offer a whopping 65% revenue share, this means, they will take care of the business and will charge you only 35%. All you have to do is just to sit on your sofa and watch you balance grow! By the way, Alamy.com values you privacy and copyright, you can redistribute and resell your photos whenever and however you want, even if they are for sale at Alamy.com.
The whole system is easy to use and it’s not hard to register and use this website.
Just fill in the registration form (takes just some minutes, due to authorship details), verify your account and find the suitable photo for a sale. Then Alamy.com will do it’s best to sell your photos, I think if the photo is cool and unique, that would be easy to make some money of it .
Conclusion: As you can see everyone can make money online, regardless of your abilities, likes and dislikes. Large online companies, like Alamy.com are looking for skilled and hard working people, they value your work. So all I can do now is to wish you good luck monetizing your photographing skills!
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