I know that more people are eager to make money on the Internet, but no one wants to invest in something that is not likely to give you profit right away. Some people can’t earn, because they don’t know how to approach Internet business correctly.
Beginners don’t start with affiliate marketing or large projects, new people want to earn money fast and get excited about earning money from home. When I started making money online (it wasn’t IncomeBooster), I did some offers at GPT(Get Paid To) websites and promoted my free Blogger website on Yahoo.
But I didn’t know that I can make money writing articles (if I did everything might have changed). Content is the most important thing for every website, if your website is not interesting for the reader, the chances for it to become popular are close to zero, unless you are a SEO expert.
Internet blogging is a great way to earn some good money from home, but not anyone can express their thoughts well, or at least attract the reader’s attention. First of all you need to practice your writing and promoting skills, before you start your own online business or at least a niche blog.
In order to become a great blogger you need to practice, so why not create free hubs and earn 100% of the revenue generated by these free websites? Well, let me just tell you about HubPages.
What is Hubpages.com and how do I make money with it?
HubPages is a free web page hosting website, where you can share your knowledge and monetize your efforts wisely. HubPages earns its revenue from ads on your Hub Page, so you split the impressions with our HUBPages. An impression occurs whenever an ad appears on a hub.
You, the writer, receive 60% of the impressions, while HubPages receive the remaining 40%. Any revenue generated while your ad is displayed is entirely yours. So if a Hub is visited 10 times, 6 of the ad impressions are yours, and 4 are HubPages. You keep all the revenue generated from those 6 ad impressions.
Basically, you just create your Hub Page and start writing search engine friendly content for it. Here are the main advantages of creating Hubs:
- Easy to use administration panel which enables to add content and sprinkle ads within your hub in no time. You can set up affiliate accounts with Google Adsense, Amazon and eBay.
- No need to generate Adsense codes and match colors, everything is done automatically for you. You just enter your Adsense publisher ID.
- You can decide which products to list in your eBay and Amazon capsules located on your Hub.
- Add Kontera ads for more money in.
The fun part doesn’t end here. Hub Pages is a great place to meet new people and share your personal experience. Also it’s a great way to promote your existing websites, because Hub community is growing rapidly. This means that your articles have higher chances of being read.
Be active, read other Hubs and leave your comments. Other users will do that in return for sure. There are a lot of money to be made there, so don’t waste your golden opportunity of getting paid to write online.
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