I know that all of you have seen just bunch of ebooks that “will show” you how to make money online. Telling the truth 90% of those have been created for a pure profit. It this post, I will try to prove you that everyone could make money online blogging even if the have 0% experience and no money for a domain name.
Recently I have found out a lot of websites that offer you a free blog hosting along with Google Adsense monetization, and I think that is just what you need to start earning with you first free blog! As usual I will give you some step by step directions :
- You have got to pick a topic for your blog and think about your possible audience. When you pick a topic, make sure you choose something you really like to do or know a lot about.
- When you have found the right topic for your brand new blog, pick the best blog hosting you like (stated below)
HubPages – is a free blog hosting which allows you to monetize your website with ease. There are no complicated codes to edit- everything is automatic…
SoulCast – is against free blog hosting, because they want to pay you top dollar to use their service (which is very cool )
AssociatedContent – allows you to monetize your blogging skills. Just write new content and get paid for doing so!
NewsVine – is a great way to monetize your brand new blog totally for free. They accept any kind of ads on your brand new website, this means you have more chances to make money!
Squidoo – is the last in the list of far, but you can’t say it’s the worst one. They have a lot of advantages over the previous one.
Now when you have created your free blog with any website listed above, create a first post of your blog. It doesn’t have to be large and great, you are just starting out, so keep it simple.
When you have like 5-10 useful blogs on your blog, start to drive traffic to it! These blog posts should help you a lot in getting a massive flood of readers to your blog in no time!
Good luck, and I’m waiting for your feedbacks
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