With such a large variety of freelance writing jobs it’s hard to find the right one, and the paying one too. You can browse various freelance marketplaces, such as GetAFreeLancer or Elance.com. The pay will be relatively high, but if you know that your writing skills are worth more, then you just have to develop your skills and become a blogging or writing professional.
Freelance writing jobs are just nothing compared to a giant media website called About.com. Many writers, so-called guides, write new articles every day and you can become one of them.
About.com is constantly looking for new guides for their website. And the potential of earning is huge! So do you have what it takes to be a About.com Guide? If you do, you can earn up to 10,000$ a month easily writing articles and running your own blog. About.com guarantees a minimum salary of 725$/mo, your first year. That is over 9000$ a year writing content online (sounds like as good start, doesn’t it?)
Requirements for earning money with About.com :
- About Guides must publish two full-length articles every 14 days and update their blog one to three times per week or even more. Articles should be full keyword reach with attractive graphics ect. And your blog posts should be neat too (you have to work for your salary)
- The more content you create, the better for you (more content – more exposure and a bigger chance of getting more money to your bank account)
About.com guarantees that you will make at least 725$/mo for 24 month if you are appoved. But I’m telling you that it would be extra tough to be approved. You must have great writing skills and a basic knowledge of programming and internet.
All I can say – it’s worth giving a try. Everything you need to get started is 500 word sample and a working email address, so they can notify you about your writing skills. You can also leave them your blog address, so they can check your latest works. It takes about two weeks for them to look through your work and tell whether you can make money online writing with About.com.
Thank you for reading my work from home guides and tutorials!
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