When you are trying to make money online with your blog or website – SEO (search engine optimization) is crucial. When your website is optimized, Google and Yahoo bots can crawl it easier. A lot of Internet marketers would pay top dollar for good, related links. And according to Aaron Wall (SEO Expert) – “SEO is links and links are SEO”. So if you have a simple blog or even Google Pagerank, you can earn money from your blog links.
When trying to find a place, where I can find people, who’d be interested in buying out links from my blog, I eventually found ConteXt
V7N Contextual is something between get paid to post and get paid to sell your links. V7N is looking for bloggers with high Google PR and SERP, who’d sell backlinks. So basically V7N.com is a global link marketplace,where to can find targeted advertisers.
It is not technically a get paid to blog network because most of the time you won’t have to write a blog post. All you’ll have to do is to transform any specific keyword (eg. golf clubs) in your blog posts into a link to the advertiser’s website. All bloggers will earn $10 per link, regardless of their blog size and reach.
Money are sent by PalPal on monthly basis. It’s required to register on v7n.com forum, because that’s where you can find your advertisers at.
You can add up to 5 blogs to one account, but if you have more websites, I bet you can add more and more blogs to make even more cash.
An important point to note is that you’ll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which means that you can’t disclose that you’ve sold a sponsored link. Very good program and I would like to get some feedback from you. because I’ve never tried this website before.
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